Senator Cassidy made some very good points, and asked some good questions and yet the CDC director would not answer a single one. Such bullshit.
My mind is boggled EVERY DAMN DAY that more people are NOT asking these questions and are just BLINDLY believing what they are told.
If immunity doesn’t exist then WHY is *reinfection* to Covid RARE? WHY is this NOT being discussed?? WHY is a vaccine being pushed on EVERYONE regards of natural immunity or not? And I’m fucking tired….TIRED of ANYONE who asks questions being labeled as “anti-vaxx”. I’m NOT anti-vaxx at all, if you want it, go get it!
And while I am at it… I am Pro-choice. The Left is known for taking the Pro-choice stance which has the slogan “My body, MY choice”. BUTTTTTT….they sure as FUCK don’t feel that way when it comes to the vaccine!!! lol
And the Right, those who try and force their religious beliefs on everyone else (but lose their fucking MINDS if anyone tries to do the same to them!!!) are usually ANTI-choice and yet they have the AUDACTITY to use the “MY body, My choice” slogan when it comes to the vaccine! HA!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???!!
FUCK the Left and FUCK the Right. you are either FOR bodily autonomy or you are NOT. There is no “I am but…” No. NO NO NO. If we crack open that door of giving the government the right to our OWN FUCKING BODIES and HEALTH, we are NEVER going back.
Honestly, I have fucking had it with 2021. It’s just so unbelievably SURREAL.
And I gotta say….ranting makes Me feel a whole lot better! LOL