
And I’m willing to bet probably every single Woman you know as well at some point in her life. Being inappropriately touched, grabbed, verbally harassed, or more. And NO it doesn’t have anything to do with how a woman is dressed or what her body looks like. NO Woman ‘asks’ for it. Young or old, hot or not, it happens to ALL Women. Sadly. It’s heartbreaking to see all the stories coming out, but hopefully it’s a start to a new awareness….

2017 has topped 2016…

Wow. Every fucking day it’s something new…and awful. Flooding, hurricanes, wildfires, mass-shootings, destruction, death and devastation.

And yet another Hollywood sicko pervert is called out on sexually harassing women. It’s so good to see Women outing this behavior (as hard as it may be and as much as they put on the line to do so) and yet so disgusting to read some of the comments online (from males, of course) in regards to these Women. males that DON’T love, adore, worship or cherish women. males that forgot they have Mothers, Daughters, Wives, Girlfriends, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers.

And every day it seems that orange piece of shit is saying/doing something else to embarrass Americans, yet again.

It’s like a dark cloud hanging over 2017……..


Oh hey….

The rabbi is back again….but such a small clip order. How disappointing….. ? I know you want to do better than that….  did I ever tell you how easy it was to find pictures of you in a Google image search? But I didn’t see any of your wife. Does she know that your going to be watching MY Cum for Feet clip and stroking for ME? I bet not…..  ?