I’m catching up on a few emails from My good boys and I had to write this…..

I ENJOY interacting with MY good boys because they are GENTLEMEN. It’s like they were brought up RIGHT and to respect women and it’s just a beautiful thing. ?

And you’d think it would be such an easy thing but in the world of anonymous internet pervs, not so much so.

I just thought of this….

So I’m working on the update and I’m looking at My lovely, shapely legs in black FF nylons and I can’t help but remember this email I got years ago. It was so ridiculous that I guess it made it unforgettable. It was from a guy who was a member of My lingerie site at the time and I guess he just felt compelled to give his opinion. He had a preference for beige and nude colored stockings and he told Me that My legs looked perfect in them, but My legs looked AWFUL in black stockings. Seriously. He really said that. Same exact pair of legs but they magically look ‘awful’ in a different stocking color. I’m guessing he was hoping that by telling Me that I’d never wear black stockings again. Well that backfired on him because I ended up wearing MORE black stockings!  What a dumb asshole!  LOL

New clip coming tonight.

A sexy screenshot is in the Private area and one of the outtake scenes I’ll post as a short clip in there as well when I get a chance.

DON’T ask about how you can get access. I’ve already made it clear that when I’m ready, I will release a clip with the details. In the meantime, I suggest you shop till you drop because only the most devoted $$$ fans and slaves will be given/offered access. (Update: Only those who serve Me are given access to the private area.)


In addition spoiling the hell out of their Mistress, My good boys have purchased every single clip in My clips store. Even the $600 one. ALL of them. And they continue do to so.

But, how many have you bought?

I know who My most avid clip buyers are. The names I see pop up every week or several times a month or those who do BIG clip orders every month or two. The ones who have been buying My clips ever since I started My clips store back in 2013 and some newly devoted buyers. Mistress sees ALL.  😉

I’m already working on it, and when I’m ready, I’ll release a clip with the details and mention it here on My blog.


I *may* have a way of doing this!!!   Once I get an idea, My brain just won’t shut off thinking about it!  Fortunately, I can multi-task as I am working on My clip update for this evening. I will definitely have the details ‘locked up’ in a higher priced clip, but I won’t say any more than that now.

I really like the idea of having a private area, to post blog posts, sexy selfies and other stuff that freeloaders can’t see/access.

Private and Password Protected…

An idea that I’ve been kicking around is having a private area of My blog. Since I’m dealing with piracy problems right now, I won’t be posting any more pictures for a while until that gets dealt with.

I always liked the idea of a Members area, like I use to have with My old lingerie paysite, but unfortunately, too many ruined that. Guys like to download stuff and pass it around the internet. Things I thought would only be for My members area and for the eyes of My members, turned up in all sorts of places online. Without My consent.

One of the MANY problems with doing a paysite is that any random fuck can join. No thanks. If I do decide to do something like this, access will ONLY be offered to certain individuals. My good boys, of course, and I’m thinking some of My most loyal customers.

I’m really keen on this idea, but obviously it would have to be worth MY time and effort (Read:  $$$). Hmm…….

Getting close to 500!

Tonight I’ll be posting My 482nd clip into My clip store. In the past 3 years I’ve been on Clips4Sale, I’ve managed to shoot more videos than I did in the 11+ years I ran My lingerie paysite! I actually really enjoy shooting clips. Okay, there are some aspects about the process that I enjoy less, as they are a little tedious. But when I look at My clip store and know that every single clip came from an idea in My head that I made come to fruition, that is rather rewarding. 🙂

Masturbation Monday…..

And I present to you…..

I can’t won’t directly link to this site, but check this shit out:

stopmasturbationnow (dot) org

So fucked up and yet so funny, some of the comments are pretty good. And this is the site responsible for the ‘no wankie blankie‘.

Keeping in theme….

mast1mast3mast6(Wait…… ? Are people still falling for that scare tactic?)

mast2mast5mast4mast7-wtfUgh….really?  I just can’t with these types. So fucking repressive.