Category Archives: Random stuff
Morbid but….
… you ever think about being on your death bed and looking back on your life? Would you be happy and fulfilled and think you lived your life to the fullest? Or would you wish you would have done more…taken a few more risks, chances, opportunities? Something to think about really. you can say ‘maybe one day I’ll…..‘, but then it’s too late.
Life is meant to be LIVED! 😉
I haven’t shot a Findom clip in over 2 months and…
they still sell. And then I think…. should I do more? But the way I see it…Financial Domination is TWO WORDS and I got bored focusing on the money aspect because there is so much more to it. The money part should just be a natural extension of your obedience and devotion. There is nothing else of value that you can give Me to make Me want to acknowledge you or give you any of My time. If your smart, you’re already aware of this……. If you’re delusional, you think you are special or unique in some way and ‘not like those other guys‘ and this doesn’t apply to you. If you’re angry, you think all women are ‘money grubbing whores’ and that the female gender exists just to coddle your every want and need……. for free.
At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter. I just keep doing MY thing, MY way and those who follow MY rules are fortunate enough to become a small part of My life! 😉
Oh “D” from Switzerland….
I saw that nice big clip order you did today. I like to see those…..
If you were to…..
…..just look at My pictures and read My clip descriptions, you’d only be seeing a small piece of the whole picture. If you were smart….you’d collect as many pieces as you could to see more of what I’m about. But I did say IF…..
Did you see it??!!
The moon tonight is so breathtakingly beautiful! 🙂
Love the new clip I shot today!
It will be in My store this evening. I’m wearing a new gift in it…… 😉
Editing a very sexy stocking clip!
And maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll post a preview picture. Later. Maybe…