A screen shot from an upcoming clip:
Shot a couple of new clips today, one is going up tonight and the other tomorrow. Also working on a blog post with selfies and other pics.
I’m sure you’ve heard the news today. I just heard about it a few hours ago and watched the video.
Why on earth was he shot 4 times? Much less once??
And the officer made a comment that: “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery”. ‘Just’ ????!!
Jesus fucking Christ, are you kidding Me?
And then some comments I’ve read are rather sickening. And racist.
What the fuck is wrong with our world? And the hatred and fear….. when’s it going to stop?
…or how long My site was down, but it seems My hosting company is having problems again. *sigh* Honestly, overall, they’ve been really decent and usually have awesome support. Hopefully this doesn’t become a regular thing…..
Oh yeah, shot a new clip today as well. SOOOO many clip ideas for July and yes, many of them came to Me in the shower! haha
The BET Prince tribute delivered! YES! 😀
Nice song choices! “Dorthy Parker” is one of his lesser known ones so, a surprising choice. But I’m glad they didn’t go with the obvious choices and the artists that covered them did a great job.
I have no idea who Janelle Monae is, but I loved her performance.
However Shelia E……took the cake! “Housequake”, “U got the Look”, “Erotic City”, “America”, “Love Bizarre”, “Let’s Work” and many others—–fuck YES!!! So happy! This was the tribute he deserved.
And….I think that was Mayte (one of Prince’s ex-wives) dancing on stage with Sheila E!
I like to think he would have been pleased….
And just because….Prince and Sheila E from 1987…. “It’s Gonna Be a Beautiful Night”
Shot some new clips today and a few sexy selfies as well. My site might be offline this evening, not sure yet. My hosting company is moving the servers tonight (and by moving I mean physically, to a new location) and so that might affect My blog. Speaking of which….I better back this sucker up right now, for good measure. (I usually back it up once a week anyway.)
PS—It’s beautiful today!! Blue sky, sunshine, and everything is so green. Living in a state that gets snow 4-6 months out of the year, I can’t tell you how much I adore days like today! 🙂