Body Heat movie

….from 1981 with Kathleen Turner. Ever see it?  Matty Walker (Kathleen) seduces a man (Ned Racine, played by William Hurt) into killing her husband.

The last scene where Ned is sitting in prison, realizing his instincts were right….


From another scene….(around the 1:39 mark)

Matty: [to Ned] You aren’t too smart, are you? I like that in a man.

Ned: What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got ’em all.

Matty: You don’t look lazy.


The Shower!!

I am finally going to write about this strange…phenomenon. There is something about My morning shower that brings on the creativity! I get some of My best ideas….IN THE SHOWER. I can’t tell you how many great clip ideas have come to Me while I’m showering. And not just the idea, but everything I want to say in the clip, wear, you name it. Damn! Talk about multi-tasking!  😉   Apparently there is science behind this.


1.  a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health.
2.  something harmful or pernicious, as to happiness or well-being


is everything.

Without honesty, there can be nothing.

I know, I know…..but it’s the internet…so it’s different right? you can be anyone you want to be or say anything you want to say because you are hiding anonymously behind your computer screen. No one will ever know the difference! See how many people you can fool. Right?

I’m not naive. It’s just I demand more from a person than most are willing to give.

Nothing deeply fulfilling will ever be attained without being able to be open and honest.

Why is that so hard for some people though?