I see you….

Someone has been buying up My Findom clips again I see…..  #5 and I haven’t posted a new clip in that category in months.

Findom-5I do have a new Financial Domination clip that I’ll be doing when I get around to it.

UPDATE: He just kept buying them up and currently I’m at #2. haha I love it!  😉


Sweet shade….

bet-awards-prince-tributeAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  The ‘that’ is in reference to Madonna’s Prince tribute performance   at the Billboard awards yesterday. No, of course I didn’t watch it, I don’t watch TV, but I caught a clip of it on Dlisted. Awful. But I knew it would be. She was the wrong choice. There was even a petition online against her being the sole performer for such a tribute.

So now BET is going to do one and PLEASE DO IT RIGHT!!! Include artists he worked with the most like Sheila E, Wendy & Lisa, Jill Jones, The Time, his old band members from Madhouse, the Revolution, New Power Generation, etc, etc. THEY were close to him, THEY knew his sound, THEY were apart of it. Yeah, yeah, I know they aren’t considered ‘relevant’ by some, but it’s not a fucking popularity contest! This is the ONLY way a Prince tribute can be done RIGHT.

And of course, people being people, and the internet being what it is….are making the BET advertisements into a race thing. *sigh*  But they’ve thrown the shade, so now they better get it right.

(PS–Team Sheila E….always!)

So much so….

Did you ever watch Six Feet Under on HBO?  Yeah, I know, it’s an old show (and that’s about the last time I watched TV…years ago!  lol).  I watched the whole series when it was on and I still remember this profound scene:


Perhaps that seems a little heavy, but it’s been kind of a weird (sad) week.

Finally back up!

My hosting company had a network outage going on from Friday evening until about an hour ago. So My site was down and I couldn’t access My emails either. All is working again though.