Holy shit!  Are you fucking kidding Me 2016???  First David Bowie and now PRINCE???

My mom actually just called Me to break the news. I thought she was joking. I just sat down to eat lunch and I hadn’t made it over to Dlisted yet, which sure enough, it’s at the top of the page right now. I am major bummed the fuck OUT right now.  🙁

When I was younger, I was a big Prince fan, loved his music. But as I got older and he got more into his Jehovah Witness stuff, I kind of lost interest. But I still love his classic stuff (even named one of My clips after one of My favorite Prince songs) and I have a lot of music from other artists he helped/worked with. Wendy & Lisa, Jill Jones, Madhouse, Vanity 6, Vanity, Apollonia 6, Apollonia, The Time and various others. He was incredibly talented and why the FUCK is 2016 taking the good ones??!!!

So I have a little Prince story….TRUE story. This happened in maybe the late 90’s, early 2000’s. Can’t remember. But, I was at Cheapo records in Uptown Minneapolis. I had My little list of hard to find cd’s that I was looking for and funnily enough, they were mostly some of the artists I mentioned above. Yeah, I had them on cassette (I’m old—I know!  lol), but I wanted the cd versions.  I was browsing in the R&B section, didn’t find anything, so I looked up to turn around and I couldn’t believe My eyes!!  About 15 feet from Me was fucking PRINCE!!!!!!!!  He had his head down, looking though cd’s (also in the R&B section). There was a younger woman with him who was wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts. She was dressed so casually next to him. He was wearing a long sleeve tunic top and matching flowing pants. On his feet were platform boots and he was so TINY.

Seriously, I thought I was gonna die!!  LOL  I looked around the store and no one was bugging him or anything, so I knew I had to be cool.  haha  (I would have been anyway.)  I went over to the person I was there with and I told him  “OMG-That is PRINCE over there!!”. He was not a Prince fan, lol, and he didn’t believe Me. I went over to a Cheapo employee and said “That’s Prince over there, isn’t it?” And he confirmed it. I kept My distance and trying not to be obvious watching him. Shortly after he bought something and left. I also bought something and asked the cashier “That WAS Prince, right?” Yup. And that’s the closest I ever got to the Purple One. *sigh*

Holy fuck this makes Me SAD!  🙁

RIP-PrinceUpdate:  These Prince gifs are giving Me LIFE though!  🙂   We are talking about a man who had songs like Erotic City, Scarlett Pussy, Sexy MotherFucker, Cream, Come, Jack U Off, Gett Off, Soft & Wet, etc, etc. He oozed SEX and I loved him for it!  lol

Awwww….a RAINBOW appeared over Paisley Park today after the news of his passing.

One more thing…

I updated My SERVE page this weekend. I think that page is going to be constantly evolving over time. I much prefer to expand on My thoughts of serving Me via video clips than text as I feel they have a better impact that way. But the text version is necessary.