Spot on.

Corset Fetish

I have been meaning to do this blog post ever since I posted Sissy Training 5, but I figured I’d do it when I got around to it. (Coincidentally, I have a few other blog posts I want to do, but again, when I get around to it. They are low on the priority list.)

And yes, My URL is on all of the photos because this is the Internet and if it’s not nailed down, it’s going to end up on Pinterest or other places.

you will be seeing Me in all of these lovely corsets and bustiers in future video clips:

Various corset related materials from My own collection:

Figure Training Fundamentals (found a couple on Amazon…going for a pretty penny) was a thin book/booklet from Versatile Fashions. I believe most of it was reprints of corset related things from the old London Life fetish magazine.

Victorian Corsets and Foundation Catalog were both catalogs from Fantasies in Lace, a mail order company from the 1990’s. (I’ve got more of these…they sold hoisery, foundations, slips, panties, corsets, wigs…..I think they catered to TV/CDs. The corsets they sold were from Vollers and Axfords).

And the catalog in color was from Romantasy, which is still around and has tons of corset info as well as corsets on their website.

These are corset newsletters from B.R. Creations and I *think* I have all of them except for maybe one or two. I don’t know what was the last issue though, I have up to #93 from 1999.

These books:

as well as these:

are MUST HAVES in any fetish library. Both Exotique and Bizarre have photos and illustrations of fetish clothing (leather, lingerie, the highest heels, boots, corsets and the most unique fetish clothing), letters from readers, stories and all of the usual stuff.

These are London Life magazine reprints I got from Versatile Fashions years ago.

Various catalogs and magazines from/by Versatile Fashions. Including Mistress Antoinette’s book. I mentioned VF in a previous blog post HERE.

And finally, a photo of the lovely Dita Von Teese:

from one of the Versatile catalogs—THAT is the corset I have and you’ve seen Me wear in Indulge:

Okay, that’s it!


So MY footage is still up in that other person’s THIEF’S clip store. C4S said I had to fill out a DMCA takedown request, which I did, immediately. I got a response on Monday saying that it could take 72 hours, which would be tomorrow. I’ll probably email them tonight as it’s still up.

Looking at the other clips in that store, it ALL looks like stuff taken from YouTube and other clip models (not any that I know, or I’d contact them to let them know). NONE of their content looks original, it all looks like it was stolen from somewhere (like I said YouTube probably).

I had to deal with something similar years ago when I had My paysite. Someone (and I checked My records, they had joined My site once) had an Upksirt website and posted MY videos and a bunch of other stocking/lingerie/panty fetish type models and they were running it as a paysite–so charging money to view OTHER peoples copyrighted material. And their credit card processor…CCbill…which was MY cc processor as well. I was furious! Filled out the paperwork, contacted other models to let them know and My stuff was taken down. I realize that these sites can’t check the content of every single clip producer, but It still pisses Me off to see someone try to profit off of something *I* created and own the copyright to. But ya know….some people are garbage human beings. ?

Good boy mentions….

Tributes from these boys in the past week:  philip, the professor, thomas and satinmikey (nice note mikey! ?).

Thinking of sending your first tribute? Watch: Little Doesn’t Cut It and How far will you go? -Part 11

Only ONE of you has been brave enough to complete the task in Servitude #122 and a few of you have sent Me info for the task in Servitude #123.

Well done boys!

UPDATE: Going through My inbox I see that I missed mentioning a tribute from richard in Canada.