Finally opened them!!

I mentioned this dress and heels in My Servitude #111–both gifts from the professor.

Doesn’t look like much there, but just wait until you see it on ME!!  It’s the Rabbit Dress by Trashy Lingerie.

Now look at this….

Just LOOK at the inner-construction!!  It’s a built in corset! That is some Haute Couture detailing right there! Okay, I realize most males probably can’t appreciate such a reference, so let Me just say it’s a very well made gown! (Freakin’ LOVE Trashy lingerie!)

The Robe in Servitude #111

Corset in Female Sexual Power

Corset in Servitude #104

Robe in Money for Nothing

Corset in Mistress demands more Satin

And there’s more but I don’t feel like going through My clips anymore.

Except for 2 pieces I bought Myself, years ago, it’s ALL slave paid! ?

Now onto the NEW LOUBS!!!

OMFG!!!!!!  I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE them! ?  They look SO much better in person and will look fantastic in clips when the light hits them.

And because I’ve forgotten to remove these in the past……

I made sure to take them off this time! ?

New Years Eve tributes…

GOOD job boys!!!  I will be mentioning you in an upcoming Servitude clip.

thomas in Germany, I see you completed the schedule like I mentioned I had wondered if you would in Servitude #111. That makes Me so HAPPY!!! ?

But he wasn’t the only one! ?

Christmas tributes….

To those of you who sent them, and you know who you are! ? you have made Me a very MERRY Mistress this holiday season! GOOD JOB boys!  ?

New clips are coming in January 2019 and your new Masturbation schedule will of course be posted on the 1st, as it is every month.

The “pre-birthday” tribute…

…. was a nice little surprise. ?  you know who you are and YES, it is the most important day of the year!

I was going to do a tribute birthday clip this year but didn’t get around to it. But really, is it a ‘tribute’ if you are getting something in return (clip)?  (Correct answer: NO. ?)

I received a gorgeous gift yesterday that I’ll be showing off soon in an upcoming video and a few others are arriving after My b-day.